Products 97-108 of 442
Love Life Of Adolph Hitler
Retail: $9.99
Price: $9.99
Availability: In Stock
Item #: 883629535616 -

    A poorly edited, yet intriguing documentary about Hitler and Mussolini. There are some interesting home movies of Eva Braun and her scantily-clad girlfriends swimming, too! More vivid is the gut-wrenching footage of Nazi atrocities NO! we don't recommend this for the kids. Mussolini and other war criminals are also shown in death. Nightmarish to say the least. Dwain Esper supposedly had a hnad in it. Re-released in later years with footage of Mao added. 35mm.

    Seventh Grave
    Retail: $9.99
    Price: $9.99
    Availability: In Stock
    Item #: 643462988327 -

      A collection of heirs gather for the reading of Sir Robert Thorne's will in a forlorn Scottish castle, which is reportedly haunted and also the hiding place of a lost treasure. A seance is held prior to the will being read in an effort to ferret out the treasure's location. Proceedings are soon interrupted when it's discovered that the body of Sir Robert (who had experimented with cell regeneration before his death) has gone AWOL. They also find a servant hanging from a rafter. This rare...

      Stop Train 349
      Retail: $9.99
      Price: $9.99
      Availability: In Stock
      Item #: 883629536422 -

        Sean Flynn, Jose Ferrer, Nicole Courcel. An outstanding film about an American Army train going from Berlin into the West Zone. On board is an East German stowaway. The Russians get wind of it and stop the train. A standoff between the good guys and the commies ensues. A very literate, engaging script that keeps your interest perked. This film, more than any other, showed the acting potential of Errol Flynn's son, Sean, who plays the lead role. From 16mm.

        NIGHT AT THE CROSSROADS (aka La Nuit du Carrefour)
        Retail: $9.99
        Price: $9.99
        Availability: In Stock
        Item #: 643462987047 -

          A diamond merchant is found dead, murdered, inside a car near a gloomy, muddy, foggy French crossroads. Nearby lays a villa, a broken down garage & gas station, and a house next to it. A one-eyed Dane and his slatternly sister are the initial suspects, but with the arrival of the great French inspector Maigret, it becomes clear that far more is going on than a simple case of murder. Incredibly atmospheric, with much of the footage shot at night. You can almost feel the fog seeping in. French,...

          F.P.1 Doesnt Answer
          Retail: $10.99
          Price: $10.99
          Availability: In Stock
          Item #: 883629534930 -

            Conrad Veldt, Jill Esmond, Leslie Fenton. Right out of Amazing Stories. A gigantic floating platform is built in the mid-Atlantic for use as a oceanic airport. However, its destruction seems imminent at the hands of foreign saboteurs. 16mm.

            The Wolf of the Malveneurs (aka Le Loup des Malveneur)
            Retail: $9.99
            Price: $9.99
            Availability: In Stock
            Item #: 643462986736 -

              Renoir plays Reginald Malveneur, a research scientist and the last of his bloodline a bloodline that legend says is infected by werewolfry. He conducts experiments in the dungeon lab of his crumbling chateau in hopes of finding a "cell rejuvenation" cure for his ailing wife, who is too frail to care for their young daughter or give him the son he desperately wants. When the new governess arrives, it's learned that Malveneur has disappeared. A handsome local artist comes to the aid of the...

              Long Hair Of Death, The
              Retail: $9.99
              Price: $9.99
              Availability: In Stock
              Item #: 643462987955 -

                A woman under suspicion of witchcraft is burned alive. Her curse brings her back from the dead for revenge. Ardisson really gets it in the end! Barbara's seldom looked more beautiful. Lots of great moments, especially the flaming finale. A very moody, atmospheric euro-horror thriller that's probably one of Barbara's five best films.

                Revenge Of The Virgins
                Retail: $9.99
                Price: $9.99
                Availability: In Stock
                Item #: 643462988501 -

                  SPECIAL ANAMORPHIC WIDESCREEN EDITON: Only Ed Wood could have scripted something like this a low budget western with topless Indian maidens prancing about. A couple of low-down gunslingers try to heist a rich gold strike. Little do they know the gold is guarded by an all-female tribe of deadly but voluptuous Indian gals. The final scene where the Indian maidens attack is, to say the least, hilarious!

                  Incredibly Strange Creatures
                  Retail: $9.99
                  Price: $9.99
                  Availability: In Stock
                  Item #: 883629714158 -

                    Cash Flagg, Carolyn Brandt, Brett O'Hara. Cash aka Ray Steckler

                    Diabolical Pact
                    Retail: $9.99
                    Price: $9.99
                    Availability: In Stock
                    Item #: 643462987528 -

                      The late Dr. Jekyll's daughter returns home to help out her guardian, who also happens to be a mad scientist (Carradine) searching for a formula for eternal youth. It seems the retina from the human eye is needed for this formula, many of which will be needed for his experiments. Soon a lost nephew turns up who has a habit of transforming into an apish creature from time to time, causing mucho fear and panic. A schlockfest for sure! Nice color with English Subtitles, from 16mm.

                      THE FABULOUS WORLD OF JULES VERNE(aka Vynalez zkazy)
                      Retail: $9.99
                      Price: $9.99
                      Availability: In Stock
                      Item #: 643462986897 -

                        This is easily the best quality DVD edition of this fabulous science fiction film on the market. The evil Count Artigas kidnaps the scientist Professor Roch and his assistant. Artigas takes them to his headquarters inside an enormous volcano, far off at sea. The machines the professor creates are incredible. His heavy water experiments soon provide a way of controlling pure matter, which will result in the most fantastic explosive every created. Little does the professor know, though, that...

                        Return of the Witch (aka Noita Palaa Elamaan)
                        Retail: $9.99
                        Price: $9.99
                        Availability: In Stock
                        Item #: 643462986767 -

                          One of the most remarkable films we've seen in 30 years of business. An archaeological team unearths the body of an ancient witch and pulls a stake from her rotted corpse. Soon a beautiful naked girl is found in the witch's grave. The villagers are sure she is the ancient witch returned to life. She soon sets about bewitching men in the most erotic ways imaginable, without resorting to full-blown sex. The scenes of Mane dancing nude were intended to be mesmerizing and they are! The film's...