The young, mystical Sioux leader Crazy Horse (Tasunka Witko) personifies Native-American resistance to white advancement westward. His leadership in the 1876 defeat of Custer's 7th Cavalry at Little Big Horn made him the most famous Indian warrior in America. Ironically, Crazy Horse is a controversial figure among his own people. We know that he died on September 5, 1877, while resisting arrest; but the manner of his death, and just who was responsible for it, remain a hotly debated topic. Was there a military conspiracy led by General Sheridan (Custer's mentor) and General Crook? Did Red Cloud and other agency chiefs spread rumors to panic soldiers into eliminating this threat to their rule? And what about Frank Grouard, an army interpreter who mistranslated Crazy Horse? Finally, what role did the mysterious Crazy Horse play in his own demise?