Robert and Olivia Temple's new book, The Sphinx Mystery, is a work of profound significance for Egyptology. Not only do the Temples completely re-analyze what the Sphinx is and represents, they re-trace its epic origins and re-examine its original purpose. In a remarkable investigation, they uncover what was before our very eyes, a startling discovery that even the world's most learned Egyptologists have failed to see Presenting eyewitness accounts of individuals who were able to see the secret chambers before they were sealed in 1926 has opened up a Pandora's Box of incredible new information with stunning revelations. Experience their journey into the heart of the Sphinx mystery and learn what the authors have uncovered over decades of research. Prepare to think differently about this ancient monument, you will see the Sphinx as it really should be - as Anubis surrounded by the Jackal Lake. "Their use of solid evidence, textual and photographic, makes the case unarguable." Michael Baigent, Holy Blood, Holy Grail. World Wide Multi Media brings you quality video content from around the globe.