This romantic comedy, an Italian and French anthology, is comprised of four short films each directed by a different director, each featuring a different star of '60s European cinema. The first vignette, "Queen Sabina" tells the story of a hitchhiker (Monica Vitti) who can't seem to make it home without driving each of her drivers mad with passion. "Queen Armenia" centers on a gypsy babysitter (Claudia Cardinale) who takes full advantage of a doctor's bedside manner. The third episode, "Queen Elena" centers on a husband who can't get the seductive wife next door (Raquel Welch) out of his mind. The last vignette, "Queen Marta" centers on a wealthy woman (Capucine, Walk on the Wild Side, Song Without End) who, when sober, is a cold, haughty member of high society, but after a few drinks, becomes the purring plaything for her chauffeur who can't keep track of where his place should be. Newly remastered.