Products 85-96 of 151
Now Thats Weird - Ufos
Retail: $19.95
Price: $19.95
Availability: In Stock
Item #: 883629722115 -

    Are aliens harassing our airline pilots? Is there an ongoing invasion? Are the governments covering it all up? Journey into the heart of real UFO sightings with our panel of experts, Ross Hemsworth, Captain Ray Bowyer, Nick Pope, Alan Foster and Andrew Pike. Watch as they discuss and show some of the most remarkable evidence so far brought to light. Can intelligent commercial airline pilots be seeing things? And if so, then why does the radar evidence back up their delusion? Something is...

    Alien Planet Earth: We Are Not Alone
    Retail: $19.95
    Price: $19.95
    Availability: In Stock
    Item #: 810103688292 -

      Aliens have been visiting planet Earth for millennia and our governments know all about it. Secret factions may be dealing with Aliens on a daily basis.

      Drugs: What are They Doing to Our Children
      Retail: $19.95
      Price: $19.95
      Availability: In Stock
      Item #: 883629754130 -

        Every year the pharmaceutical companies deliver more and more drugs that we are told our unruly children need. New "conditions" are announced and suddenly we are all supposed to buy in to the massively expensive system and feed our children a concoction of wonder pills. But do we really need all these drugs? Have they been tested properly? Are we guinea pigs to the chemical giants? Are they "buying" our political and healthcare leaders? What's going on? This film analyses the situation with a...

        God Is Alive
        Retail: $19.95
        Price: $19.95
        Availability: In Stock
        Item #: 810162031138 -

          There is nothing that has been pondered more by mankind and nothing more divisive to the human race than the question...Is there a God? Did we come from the mind of a creator, or from absolutely nothing? Many have misunderstood or created concepts of what God actually means believing it to be the one defined by Christians, Jews or Muslims or other religious belief systems of the world. But in a world where miracles occur daily, the void between belief and reality is indicative of the troubled...

          Invisible College  Rosicrucians  Mandalasand Ancient Mysteries
          Retail: $19.95
          Price: $19.95
          Availability: In Stock
          Item #: 883629997605 -

            Join leading experts as they explore the world of the esoteric. Adrian Gilbert (a best-selling author of numerous books on the subject) leads us through the mystery of the Rosicrucians uncovering many new insights and revelations. This secretive Brotherhood emerged seemingly from nowhere with a sacred message for those with the eyes to see it. Their message is just as relevant today as it was in ancient times, Gilbert re-introduces us to their teachings. Next we join Philip Gardiner as he...

            Free Range
            Retail: $19.95
            Price: $19.95
            Availability: In Stock
            Item #: 810134943629 -

              Jackie is kidnapped by a sadistic group with special plans for her and other victims. The only escape may be worse than the torture they've already endured.

              Top 25 Alien Encounters: UFO Case Files Exposed
              Retail: $19.95
              Price: $19.95
              Availability: In Stock
              Item #: 810103687288 -

                The recent revelation that the U.S. Government has been actively investigating UFO sightings and encounters has opened a new chapter in the pursuit of truth behind Alien Visitations. Top 25 Alien Encounters explores some of the most mind-blowing cases of recent times, exposing new details behind hidden secrets, suppressed evidence and cover-ups. Stunning Military encounters, Astronaut accounts, abductions, crashed UFO retrievals, Alien body examinations, startling witness confessions, NASA's...

                Nick Pope: Summer of the Saucers
                Retail: $19.95
                Price: $19.95
                Availability: In Stock
                Item #: 883629717999 -

                  UFO activity is on the increase. Governments are finally dropping clues about what they know. The Vatican has said that the existence of aliens does not counter biblical teaching. Disclosure is Imminent! Nick Pope worked for the British Ministry of Defense as the man in charge of researching UFO cases. He is the world's leading expert and has been called the "Real Fox Mulder", he should know what's really going on. In this frank and open discussion, Pope explores the possibilities and gives...

                  Superconsciousness: the Peak Experience
                  Retail: $19.95
                  Price: $19.95
                  Availability: In Stock
                  Item #: 883629724843 -

                    Colin Wilson is truly a legend in his own time. His numerous books have changed the world in so many ways. Great authors and thinkers have looked to Colin's work for decades. He has influenced countless films and had movies made of his novels (Species). His work began with the mind of man and to this day the subject continues to hold a deep fascination for him. He sees more than just biological function, he sees a profound connection to a wonderful intuitive state we can all achieve. In...

                    Two Faced Moon: Who Got There First?
                    Retail: $19.95
                    Price: $19.95
                    Availability: In Stock
                    Item #: 883629999210 -

                      For millennia man has looked towards the night sky in awe at the beauty and majesty of the moon. It's silver glow has enticed and invited us. Then in 1969, mankind finally managed to fulfill his dream as NASA astronauts set foot upon our celestial partner. Ever since that momentous year there have been raging arguments about whether we actually landed there or not. In this gripping presentation, Simon Lewis explains his own theory about the true nature of the moon - that it is not the barren...

                      Great Pyramid - Ancestors From Above, The
                      Retail: $19.95
                      Price: $19.95
                      Availability: In Stock
                      Item #: 840418300848 -

                        The Great Pyramid is known as the resting place for the pharaoh Khufu, yet eons before Christ, the prophet Isaiah declared it a prophecy hidden in stone.

                        Sci-Fi Godfather: Jules Verne
                        Retail: $19.95
                        Price: $19.95
                        Availability: In Stock
                        Item #: 810162035457 -

                          Today science fiction novels, movies, TV shows and even games are everywhere. But there was a time when this genre didn't even exist. That was until Jules Verne came along and invented it, which then turned him into a literary legend. All that we have in the realm of science fiction today, we owe to this man. But what influenced his remarkable invention? From fantastic tales of adventure to futuristic concepts and legendary heroes mixed with visions of a utopian world and crazed madmen, this...