Eastern Europe, present day: James Henderson (Tom Hopper) is a "fixer" - smoothing the path for deals between large corporations and new democracies. He's in town to help young executive Gabrielle (Amy Huberman) bring capitalism to a freshly minted republic led by its new president, Tania Oleinic. But his work, involving a motley array of sketchy businessmen, oligarchs and local hookers, is barely underway before the city is rocked by explosions and gunfire. The remnants of the old guard, led by the ruthless Colonel Lazar, launch an assault on the hotel and is after the President - and will stop at nothing to see her dead. We learn that all is not as it seems with James - he is a trained killer on the CIA's "Blue List" with an open kill platform and his death rate has no upper limit. James must single handedly take on the insurgents, and keep the President alive long enough to broadcast to the world.