A successful businessman, "Steve Banks," an exotic madam, "Sheila," and a scandalous sex guru, "Swami Kamlesh," team up to start an elite brothel called "The Kamasutra Garden" in Nevada. What is so unique about this brothel? It is the only brothel in the world where the girls are trained in "Kamasutra," the ancient art and science of lovemaking. At Steve's request, an award-winning documentary filmmaker "William" visits "The Kamasutra Garden" to prepare a documentary about the brothel. Before visiting"The Kamasutra Garden," William had never been to a brothel He tucked in a remote desert town in Nevada, "The Kamasutra Garden," where the girls were young, beautiful, and every man's fantasy. However, William soon discovered the complex lives and secrets of the women who worked there.