Critter Gitters is a delightful half-hour live-action program centering on a group of neighborhood kids who join forces with two veterinarians and an inventive professor to solve mysteries and international crimes involving animals of every size, shape and species. Every episode contains solutions to ethical dilemmas and educational material and information about animals, science and geography. "Critter Gitters" has been endorsed by the Children's Television Council.
HEAD IN THE SAND: The professor finds out that ostriches are on the loose! After some scientific research and a little help from Frederico the Frog, the sky is the limit as man and animal come together to discover the most basic element that drives every living thing.
PIRANHA POWER: It's a calm and relaxing fishing trip for Dr. West and Nick until a child is bitten by something in the lake. The professor is convinced they are dealing with the dreaded, flesh-eating piranha. Only the Critter Gitters can save the day and it all hinges on whether the fish will take the bait!
ATTACK OF THE PIT BULL: When a boy is attacked by the pit bull "Darth," it is up to the Critter Gitters to capture the offending pooch before he is able to strike again. Can the Critter Gitters act fast enough so that no one else gets hurt?
MAN'S BEST FRIEND: The Critter Gitters save a hawk that has been tangled in a fishing line. In the mean time, Dr. West finds himself stranded in the middle of the lake in a sinking raft. It's the Critter Gitters to the rescue.