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Products 13-24 of 162
Transpersonal Awakening: Enlightenment and the Kundalini
Retail: $19.95
Price: $19.95
Availability: In Stock
Item #: 883629718019 -

    Featuring Dr. Malcolm Wally, Ian R. Crane and Dan Kahn There is an energy system within each and every one of us. Our ancestors were aware of it and utilized its great power. It brings spiritual peace and a sense of Oneness with the very Universe. Dr. Malcolm Wally, Ian R. Crane and Dan Kahn are three of the leading experts in the field of this unique power we know as the Kundalini. In this film they dispel the myths and speak candidly about the techniques and benefits of utilizing this...

    Censorship and the New World Order
    Retail: $19.95
    Price: $19.95
    Availability: In Stock
    Item #: 883629718026 -

      Many people believe that the New World Order is rapidly closing in on our personal liberties. Even our identities are being stolen. ID Cards are being forced upon the British and press freedom is a thing of the past as journalists are told what to say and what not to say. But there is a group of people who refuse to take this oppressive Big Brother State attitude lying down. They are speaking out for our freedom and they say it's time we all stood up to be counted. Join some of these people as...

      Now Thats Weird - Ufos
      Retail: $19.95
      Price: $19.95
      Availability: In Stock
      Item #: 883629722115 -

        Are aliens harassing our airline pilots? Is there an ongoing invasion? Are the governments covering it all up? Journey into the heart of real UFO sightings with our panel of experts, Ross Hemsworth, Captain Ray Bowyer, Nick Pope, Alan Foster and Andrew Pike. Watch as they discuss and show some of the most remarkable evidence so far brought to light. Can intelligent commercial airline pilots be seeing things? And if so, then why does the radar evidence back up their delusion? Something is...

        Now Thats Weird - 2012 Apocalypse
        Retail: $19.95
        Price: $19.95
        Availability: In Stock
        Item #: 883629724751 -

          What is the truth about 2012? Is it true that there will be a great shift? What were the Maya trying to tell us? Who do we believe? In this film we listen to some of the leading 2012 experts such as Geoff Stray, Adrian Gilbert and Andrew Smith. decades of research has given these individuals a firm conviction that something is about to happen. A spiritual awakening or the end of the world of man as we know it? Global warming, political change, financial turmoil, solar flares and much more all...

          The Holy Grail: Bloodlines and Secrets
          Retail: $19.95
          Price: $19.95
          Availability: In Stock
          Item #: 883629724768 -

            What is the Holy Grail? Is it the cup that caught the blood of Jesus? Or the cup he used at the Last Supper? Is it a dish? A platter? Or is it like the Philosopher's Stone? Of course, it could also be a Royal and Holy Bloodline, descended from Jesus and Mary Magdalene... but that's just fiction isn't it? To many people, the tale revolves around a small parish in southern France and the strange world of the priest. What mystery was he hiding? What does it all have to do with Rosslyn Chapel and...

            Superconsciousness: the Peak Experience
            Retail: $19.95
            Price: $19.95
            Availability: In Stock
            Item #: 883629724843 -

              Colin Wilson is truly a legend in his own time. His numerous books have changed the world in so many ways. Great authors and thinkers have looked to Colin's work for decades. He has influenced countless films and had movies made of his novels (Species). His work began with the mind of man and to this day the subject continues to hold a deep fascination for him. He sees more than just biological function, he sees a profound connection to a wonderful intuitive state we can all achieve. In...

              Cagliosto: Mystic Or Madman
              Retail: $19.95
              Price: $19.95
              Availability: In Stock
              Item #: 883629730417 -

                Throughout time there have been many men and women who have altered the course of history and become legends. Some upset the religious power base of their day and brought with them ancient concepts seemingly at odds with the accepted norm. Count Cagliostro was one of these men. He still remains an enigma hundreds of years after his demise at the hands of the Catholic Church. His very birth is a mystery, as too are his credentials. Hated by many, loved by more, Cagliostro is either a madman or...

                Psychics and Star Children: Who are We Trying to Fool
                Retail: $19.95
                Price: $19.95
                Availability: In Stock
                Item #: 883629731698 -

                  There is a rapidly growing and universal phenomenon in the world today. To many it is a sign of a new age and a re-awakening of mankind. To others it is a sign of alien or otherworldly beings visiting our domain. This peculiar and yet fascinating new thing is given many names, but the two most popular are Star Children or Indigo Children. And this is where the crunch comes, because it involves children - the ones we should be protecting. Some believe that this is the "stage mom" syndrome gone...

                  Evolution is Wrong: Darwinism Exposed
                  Retail: $19.95
                  Price: $19.95
                  Availability: In Stock
                  Item #: 883629731889 -

                    Should we believe the current theory of evolution? Was Darwin right? Or is there an alternative? Dr. Anthony Latham authored the book, Naked Emperor, and has spent many years showing how the facts simply don't fit the theory. Using the latest biological arguments and his own knowledge of anatomy, Latham seeks to challenge the presumption that everything we see came from some kind of freak accident. Looking closely at macro and micro evolution he shows that there had to be a greater...

                    Love is the Best Medicine
                    Retail: $19.95
                    Price: $19.95
                    Availability: In Stock
                    Item #: 883629731902 -

                      Dr. Len Horowitz is a physician, best-selling author, humanitarian, public health expert, behavioural scientist and speaks on issues of health across the world. In 1999 the World Natural Health Organization awarded him Author of the Year. In 2006 they called him one of the world's leading intellects. Having dozens of best-selling books to his name, such as Emerging Viruses: Aids and Ebola - Nature, Accident or Intentional?, he has rapidly become the alternative voice over a mainstream...

                      Mysteries: Vampires, Oak Island, Timemachines, Psychics
                      Retail: $19.95
                      Price: $19.95
                      Availability: In Stock
                      Item #: 883629732350 -

                        Rev. Lionel Fanthorpe is a legend in his own time. he cruised onto the TV screens decades ago on his Harley Davidson singing songs about aliens, ghosts and fairies. Everybody was stunned and he became an overnight success with his own long running Fortean TV series. The following years have seen him write dozens of books and become ever more popular among the followers of the genre. he has turned his hands to every subject of the paranormal, from ghosts to the Loch Ness Monster. So what's his...

                        Aliens, Ufos and Mutilations:  are We Next
                        Retail: $19.95
                        Price: $19.95
                        Availability: In Stock
                        Item #: 883629732367 -

                          Millions of people around the world claim to see UFO's and to be visited by aliens. Thousands claim they have witnessed strange and bizarre animal mutilations. What is the truth? Is there a link between the UFO and alien sightings and the barbaric acts carried out on cattle and pets across the world? Clayton Hall has spent many years investigating these terrible atrocities and has compiled huge amounts of data. What does he make of the global phenomenon? Are we jumping to conclusions about the...