Humphrey Bogart plays mobster Frank Wilson, the heavy headlining this crime thriller that sprung from the pen of Sing-Sing's warden himself! Based on the play "Chalked Out" by Warden Lewis E. Lawes and Jonathan Finn, You Can't Get Away With Murder tells the grim tale of a young punk taken in by the glamorous gangster life, only to find himself sent away to the federal pen with a man's fate resting in his hands and a murderer dogging his every step. Young Johnnie Stone (original "Dead End Kid" Billy Halop) hooks up with hoodlum Wilson only to help Wilson frame his sister's (Gale Page) straight and narrow fiance Fred (Harvey Stephens) for Murder One. All three men soon find themselves sent to the "Big House" -- two serving a stretch for robbery, the third for Death Row. Can Johnnie come clean in time to save Fred, with Frank watching his every move?