Joe Baldwin (Onslow Stevens) is a high-stakes gambler and a racehorse owner who's extremely superstitious -- his one weakness when it comes to gambling. But Joe has a perfect system for controlling his fortunes: He generates good luck through acts of goodwill. Convinced that philanthropy increases the number of people pulling for him, which then skews odds in his favor, Joe is the ultimate self-interested altruist. His luck heads south when a fulfilled wish for rain on the day of an orphanage's outdoor party pits a group of children against him. Eager to convince the kids to root for him, Joe organizes a lavish party as an apology and ends up falling for teacher Betty McKay (Helen Mack). Wishing to marry Betty, Joe heads north to break things off with his gold-digging good-luck charm, Jean (Maxine Jennings), but her return from a European voyage brings murderous complications to his life.