The Swap (1979, Color): Sam Nicoletti (Robert De Niro), a promising young filmmaker who gets sucked into the porn industry, is murdered. A decade later, Sam's big brother Vito is released from a twelve year stretch in prison. Distraught over not being able to protect his younger brother, Vito sets out on a mission to find the person responsible for the murder. As events of the past are recounted by Sam's closest friends, a web of lust and blackmail are slowly revealed - connecting his murder to a political conspiracy.
The Swap took a decade to complete. Filmed in 1969 and originally titled Sam's Song, the project was never released as it was intended to be. In 1979, the unfinished film was re-edited and inserted into new footage involving the vendetta carried out by Vito Nicoletti.
Starring Robert De Niro, Jennifer Warren, Sybil Danning, Jarred Mickey and Anthony Charnota; Directed by John C. Broderick and John Shade.
Born to Win (1969, Color): Down-and-out drug addict JJ (George Segal) is perpetually trying to con people so he can score his next fix. JJ falls for a young woman while trying to steal her car, and realizes he must turn his life around before narcotics cop Danny (Robert De Niro) sends him back to prison. Starring George Segal, Robert De Niro, Hector Elizondo, Karen Black and Paula Prentiss; Directed by Ivan Passer.