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From: Warner

Max 2: White House Hero (Blu-ray)

Blu-ray (UPC: 883929831364)

Available Formats:
Zane Austin, Sam Register, Francesca Capaldi, Lochlyn Munro, Carrie Genzel
  • Family, Adventure
  • 85 min
Price: $19.99
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ENG: Duty calls again, and our hero dog Max returns to action in Max 2: White House Hero. His new assignment brings him to Washington, D.C., to serve on the U.S. president's Secret Service detail. When a foreign leader arrives with his precocious daughter, Alex (Francesca Capaldi), tensions arise between the two countries. First Son TJ (Zane Austin), along with Max and Alex, uncovers a dangerous plot that puts both kids and both nations in jeopardy. A highly sensitive mission will put Max's specialized skills, intelligence and loyalty to the test FRENCH: Le devoir appelle de nouveau notre heros canin Max qui replonge dans le feu de l'action avec Max 2 : Heros de la Maison-Blanche. Sa nouvelle mission le conduit a Washington, D.C., au sein des services secrets du president. Lors de la visite d'un dirigeant etranger en compagnie de sa fille prodige Alex (Francesca Capaldi), on assiste a une escalade des tensions entre les deux pays. TJ (Zane Austin), le fils du president des Etats-Unis, accompagne de Max et Alex, decouvre un sombre complot qui risquerait de mettre en danger les deux nations. L'intelligence, la loyaute et les aptitudes speciales de Max seront mises a rude epreuve au cours d'une mission de la plus haute importance.


  • UPC: 883929831364
  • Release: 2024-08-20
  • Content Provider: Warner Bros.
  • Runtime: 85
  • Genre: Family, Adventure
  • Language: English
  • Format:
  • Screen:
  • Aspect:
  • Rating: PG
  • Audio:
  • Color/BW:
  • Special Features:
  • Copyright: 2017 Orion Releasing LLC and Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. All Rights Reserved.
  • Number of Discs: 2
  • Disc Format: Blu-ray

Cast and Crew


Zane Austin
Sam Register
Francesca Capaldi
Lochlyn Munro
Carrie Genzel

Written by:

Steven Altiere

Directed by:

Brian Levant

Produced by:

Matt Bierman
Brian Levant