Led by crime boss Big Bill Anderson, racketeers terrorize a helpless city. District Attorney Dexter Wayne (Charles Trowbridge) is not only up against the criminals, but he must fight their shifty lawyers who make indicting the murderous gangsters impossible. Anderson knows he has Dexter stymied and his flagrant crime wave continues.
To make matters worse, an unnamed writer is using a leading newspaper to portray Dexter as a mob puppet. Assistant District Attorney John Carter (Robert Kent), engaged to Dexter's daughter Patricia (Anne Nagel), is torn by his loyalties and a burning desire to learn the truth. He secretly tapes a meeting that reveals that Dexter is taking bribes. A heart-wrenching trial ensues. On the brink of ruin, the District Attorney bets his reputation on a last-resort scheme to convict Anderson and his notorious gang.
Anne Nagel appeared in numerous crime dramas during the late 1930s, but is best known for her roles in several Universal horror films including The Invisible Woman (1940), Black Friday (1940), Man Made Monster (1941) and The Mad Doctor of Market Street (1942). She also appeared in the W.C. Fields' classics My Little Chickadee (1940) and Never Give a Sucker an Even Break (1941).